Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wakey, Wakey, Eggs, & Bakey!

Anyone else forget to eat breakfast? I'm one of those people who like to sleep all the way through until my alarm scares me out of bed. What can I say? I love the smell of sheets & the warmth under the covers in the AM. The minuet I stick a toe out of the covers & feel that freezing cold WA air, I retreat to the safety of my bed. Then I realize that my morning schedule will really be chaotic if I don't absolutely get out of bed.

I usually forget to eat breakfast. I did make 60 breakfast burritos at the beginning of September as a once a month recipe (let me tell you it's awesome), however for some reason I still can't remember to eat them in the morning. I probably should change that "breakfast burrito" title to: "I'm-going-to-pass-out-if-I-don't-eat-something-right-now burrito". That's kinda catchy huh?

Seriously, how many times am I going to get off track?! Okay, so the reason why I began talking was how I forget to eat breakfast (like I need to say this 3 times) is because I have officially eaten breakfast today! Costco had a coupon for Cinnamon Toast Crunch (dangerous waters). I haven't had that stuff in forever!! Just looking at that in the store made my mouth water. So this morning I woke up with the boys & poured the Cinnamon Toast Crunch into their bowl. I snagged one (of course that's an involuntary move on my part... I see food... I taste it), and I was hooked. This is coming from the wanna-be-healthy household. We have bought Honey Nut Cheerios (had a blank mind on how to spell Cheerios because of spell check..) for the last 4 years or so & I can't remember when the last time I "indulged" on buying any other kind of cereal. I know boring right?

Well long story short. I ate breakfast. Hooray me! I guess I could have just said that in the beginning instead of making this long drawn out story..... but it wouldn't have been much fun! :)

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